For centuries, the common Koi has been regarded with a sense of wonder and fascination that belies its humble beginnings.
Once bred as a food resource in China, it wasn't until after it was adopted by the Japanese, that it was quickly recognised more for its incredible splendor than its food potential, and therefore began the production of the most brilliant Koi colors via selective breeding. The Koi was from this point on no longer Ordinary, but an aesthetic object of beauty - much loved and designed to be the envy of all.
The word Koi actually comes from the Japanese word meaning Carp. Since the early twentieth Century, Koi have been bred and cross-bred to create a myriad of jewel-colored mutations and, whilst formerly a popular distraction of the Japanese, Koi have since turned out to be equally popular in the wider international community.
Considered to be the most stunning and admired of all ornate freshwater fish, Koi are nowadays the centre piece of scores of Koi garden ponds the world over. Featured right through the record of Chinese and Japanese Art, Koi are also considered to be vessels of good luck, wealth and happiness. With such positive symbolism surrounding Koi, it is no surprise that they have been embraced with enthusiasm by the Western World in an attempt to create a place of serenity within the home.
Establishing your own peaceful Koi Garden Fishpond might seem like a mammoth task, but, with the right research and groundwork, is completely doable and unquestionably worth the effort.
Merely close your eyes for a moment and visualise yourself sitting on a rock at the edge of your fishpond, watching and waiting as each one of your Koi come up to meet you. You've chosen names for each of them as you would for your children - it's all about how they look and their particular personalities! Yes, Koi have personalitiestoo and will in general interact with you willingly, especially at feeding time! In fact, once they learn to recognise you, you won't want to leave them. Rearing and caring for Koi is often such a rewarding and enjoyable pastime. Let's face it - anything that reduces stress, can only be a good thing!
Knowing where to begin - now that's a good question!
How many Koi Fish should I get?, How large does my Koi Pond need to be?, What kinds of Koi Fish are there and what should I get?, What do I feed my Koi Fish?, What do I do if my Koi Fish becomes sick?, How do I construct a Koi Fish pond?, Is it hard to breed Koi?, What Koi Fish Equipment do I need to buy? - and the questions keep going!
The best place to begin is regularly at the Start - sounds corny, I know, but it's so true. Many people just do not know where to begin and therefore jump in at the middle or the end, instead of at the beginning. Before they realize it, they've used up a load of time and money, everything goes wrong, and they end up wishing they had never begun at all! This is absolutely NOT how you want your story to go. So, follow some straightforward rules and you can't go wrong!
The 4 R's
Research! Review! Revise! Relax!
Research - there's no point in starting anything, least of all a Koi Pond, without doing your homework to start with. That's just stupid - kind of like hopping in the vehicle and trying to drive to Someplace Special without a Map and ending up in Nowhere Inparticular. Make yourself a list of questions and then carry out some research until you find the answers. Also make yourself a list of what you will have to Spend on your Koi Fishpond and what you will need to Do in order to Build your Koi Pond. Once you have these 3 tasks completed, you can begin to chart out your journey to Koi Pond Paradise.
Review - every step of the way, review your plan and be certain thateverything is on the right track, both timewise and moneywise!
Revise - now and again, even the best-laid plans can hit a bump-in-the-road, so remember to be Flexible. If you hit a snag, then Revise your plan and find a solution to get you back on course as quickly as possible.
Relax - once your Koi Garden Pond is completed, you can rest and begin your life-long enjoyment of being a truly devoted Koi Fish enthusiast!