Koi have 13 varieties and three types that are the most popular. The Kohakuis a white fish with a red pattern. The Toisho Sanke is white with a red and black pattern. The Showa Sanke is black with a red and white pattern.
Koi fish don't have a stomach. They rely on their teeth and chewing as a starting point for digestion. It is best to buy food specifically for koi. Floating pellets are great for because you can skim anything they don't eat with a net off the top.
Koi can grow to up to 3 feet in length and live for 50-60 years! It is important to give these fish plenty of room to roam.
Because of their size koi are not brought inside during the winter. Break a hole in the ice for oxygen and they will be okay in the pond during the winter.
When it starts getting cold change your food to something that is rich in wheat germ.
This helps digestion when they are not as active.As the water temperature and activity of the koi decreases, you need to start decreasing their food. When the temperature gets below 50 degrees stop feeding them. As the water starts to warm again to about 60 degrees you can start feeding them a little once a day. Continue to increase food as the water begins to warm.
Koi are actually really smart fish. They can be taught tricks!
Feed your koi twice a day for adults and even more for young koi. Give them only as much as they can eat in 5 minutes. Don't overfeed them. Try to feed them in the same area of the pond every time you feed them.